Santa Beleives in CHRISTmas A children's Crhstmas storybook about little Sarah who believes that Santa Claus is the greatest person who ever lived. She visits the mall with her mother who is finishing last minute shopping. It is at the mall that little Sarah discovers, from the shopping mall Santa himself, that Santa is not greatest. In fact, Santa explains, Jesus is the greatest person ever. CHRISTmas is really about Jesus!
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O Lord, I'm Single Again is a Biblical study based of four singles who are the main characters in the Book of Ruth. You will find honest insights to difficult questions like, "Where was God when I needed Him?" "What does the opposite sex really want?" "What does it take to have a lasting future relationship?" "What does God really want for my life?" Learn more...
Drawn before your eyes ...
With a hidden surprise! Messages from the Bible are illustrated in chalk. Each one has an invisible hidden picture that only emerges with enhanced lighting. If a picture speaks a thousand words... then this chalk really talks!
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Painted before your eyes ...
with a hidden surprise.
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